The Truth About Remote Work

The Truth About Remote Work

Lessons on How to be a Digital Nomad

I often get asked what it’s like to work remotely in the tech sphere. Much of the work I’ve done in cybersecurity has involved traveling to distant locations while deploying technology for the home office. The catch to this is that even though I’m travelling to new and exciting places, I still had to get my work done. 

Now, running my own business, I have even more freedom and flexibility. There are definite advantages to never have to go into an office. Still, if I’m not taking steps to accomplish my professional goals and building my company, then I – and my company – will mostly likely burn into the ground. 

Admittedly, I’ve been lucky. I built my career around an industry that lives online. Cybersecurity is a business that sprang from the internet. If not for this innovation, we’d all have to go into offices, like our parents and grandparents, to make a living. 

Depending on what field you currently work in, you may or may not have this flexibility. 

The Best Remote and Work-From-Home Job

If want to know how to be a digital nomad, my recommendation is to become a cybersecurity professional.  If you’re hoping to find a remote or work-from-home job, cybersecurity is a great field to get into. And it’s not difficult to make the transition, as I discussed in my Where to Begin video series. 

Not only does the cybersecurity field offer many remote positions, those positions also pay adequately to support your lifestyle, meaning you’ll have the financial freedom to travel or support your family comfortably.

Not All Play

For those of you looking to get into remote work, remember that though you may be travelling the world or enjoying time at your home office, you still have to work. When you’re working remotely or travelling for your company, if you’re not completing your work tasks, then you will fail at your job and probably lose it.

Before you can successfully work remotely or seek work-from-home jobs, you must determine if you can still get your work done if you’re not in a traditional work setting. What is your ideal workplace? Your home office? A shared space where you’re surrounded by other people working? A beach in Hawaii?

This could be you!

Though cybersecurity is a great way to get into remote work, be sure to consider your existing skills. You can start working toward a fully remote work by starting out with freelance work on the side. Look for part-time work-from-home jobs that could lead to a full-time capacity.

Work Smarter – Not Harder

Once you get into the cybersecurity field and begin to grow your knowledge, you can start working to create processes that make your job easier. Personally, I try to automate as many processes as possible so that I can technically be working all the time, even when I’m on the beach relaxing.

This means putting in a lot of hard work up front. But the ultimate result is freedom and more flexibility.

Start Your Path to a Remote Career Today

If you’re interested in building a career that will lead you to a fully remote job, it’s time to chart your course. That’s what The Ultimate Cybersecurity Job Qualifications Guide is for. Level up your career and level up your life with the help of notiaPoint.

Download Your Guide Today
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